klassische Melodien für jeden Anlass:
- Amazing Grace
- Scotland the Brave, Highland Laddie, The Black Bear
- Skye Boat Song, Paddy O`Rafferty, The Thief of Lochaber
- Highland Cathedral
- Jean Mauchlin, John Gordon of Drummie
- Joe McGann's Fiddle, Lucy Cassidy
- My Love My Treasure My Joy,The Rusty Gun, Irish Traditional Reel, The Reel of Tulloch
- Hugh Kennedy, Dora McLeod, John Morrison of Assynt House
modernere Melodien für jeden Anlass:
- Highland Cathedral
- The Sleeping Tune
- Zeto the Bubbleman, Electric Chopsticks, Good Drying
- The Last Tango in Harris, The Spice of Life, Rory Gallagher
- Chasing Shadows, The Tourist
- The Clumsy Lover, Madame Bonaparte, Richard Dwyer's
- The Fleshmarket Close, Itchy Fingers